My Story

I believe I need to explain the story of why I started this clothing brand…

When I was about 13, I was climbing a tree when I fell and cut my ear open. I passed out and was taken to the hospital.

While I was in the hospital, they discovered, upon reviewing my ECGs, that I had a heart condition (Wolf Parkinson White).

'I think you should get a referral to see a specialist,' they told me. 'You could experience fast heart rhythms, like the one I had after falling out of the tree.'

I was obviously scared for a young kid, but I tried not to dwell on it until I had two attacks within a few months. My heart rate would skyrocket to 260 beats per minute for about 5 hours while the doctors in the hospital attempted to lower it with drugs.

The only problem with this drug is that they couldn’t determine how much the heart rate would drop or when it would stop.

I was told that the heart could stop while taking this drug. I remember the sensation of the drug being injected; it was like someone was trying to harm me. Eventually, my heart rate decreased all the way to 30 beats per minute, which wasn't pleasant.

After these episodes occurred, I had no choice but to undergo surgery. Little did I know that the surgery would last 10 hours. They said I had too many pathways to burn away. The operation was only supposed to last 2–3 hours at most.

I was told after this operation it would resolve the problem. I was ecstatic, thinking I could finally be normal again.

Until one day, while at school during PE, I had another attack. I remember being too scared to inform the teacher, so I waited until the lesson was over. It was very foolish of me; I could have died just from that decision.

The same thing happened again at the hospital. My heart rate returned to normal. I was referred again to see the doctor, underwent another operation, but fortunately, this time it only lasted 5 hours.

Once more, I thought it was fixed. I was wrong; I had another episode. I was losing hope, scared that one day this problem would end up killing me.

I was referred to a specialist heart surgeon. They performed surgery on me again, which also lasted 5 hours. I remember asking, 'Mom, will this be the last time, promise?'

I did have another episode, but I remember just before going into the ambulance, someone touched me with a cold hand; it shocked me, and I returned to a normal rhythm, something that had never happened before.

We think that the last operation prevented the heart from going into that rhythm. Now, after 12 years since the last episode, I can say, fingers crossed, that we are okay, and my heart is too. I still have my check-ups.

This leads me to why I started this brand - because of my heart condition. I couldn’t live the life of a typical 18-year-old who goes out drinking, as alcohol affects the heart, potentially causing it to race. I was allowed to drink, but not excessively.

That's when I realized I needed a hobby. That's when I discovered the gym, a place where I could work on myself and improve my heart health with cardio.

After a few years, I loved the feeling of working out, even though I didn’t have the visible results to show for it.

By my early 20s, I got deeply into the gym and saw progress. The only thing that would bring me down was seeing people who were significantly built and wishing I could be like them.

Then I realized they weren’t natural, and I couldn’t follow that path as, with my heart condition, it could potentially be fatal.

So over the years, I've distanced myself from the typical image of a weightlifter. As a complete natural, I can't even take creatine as it causes rhythm problems, although I used to use it, along with pre-workout supplements.

But that won’t deter me from trying to improve myself every day and enhance my body without comparison, as everyone’s circumstances are different. I know there's someone out there who would love to be in my position, so I'm grateful for what I've been given.

This realization prompted me to create this brand. Being a complete natural, I want to promote it because you can still progress without resorting to drugs. Working out is a long but gratifying journey.

I want to make this brand a place where naturals can feel empowered wearing any of our clothing pieces. That's why I've opted for the oversized look - because under an oversized T-shirt, people can't judge your appearance, alleviating worries.

Moreover, they serve as great pump covers. Additionally, we aim to create a brand that can be worn outside the gym, which is why we've chosen simple designs that aren't too conspicuous.

Thank you for listening to my story. I hope you have a great day. Let’s build a Natural Training Club family. 💚

Because everyone is different, everyone has a story.

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